
Showing posts from December, 2018


PLAY: Characters: Meja: a women's basketball player, that loves to play and watch basketball, basketball is her life. Noe: Best friend to Nejha, someone who tries to help her stay on track Coach Iggy: head coach at ohlano college Announcer : the person who announcing what’s going on in the game Captain: the captain of ohlano basketball team Whole team: every member of the ohlano women’s basketball team Setting: at a sports store buying supplies for meja Dialogue: Store: Noe :  you sure are buying a lot of stuff…. Meja : it's all my equipment I need for basketball Noe : what do you need beside a ball and a hoop?... Meja : all good players have a good pair of shoes.. Noe : that makes three things Meja : you should also wear comfortable clothes when you play…. Noe : what about all those snacks your buying Meja : I need those as well , I’m always hungry Noe: were going to be late hurry up Meja: i'm so nervous , i'm happy your

Artist's Bio

Why do I write? Well honestly writing hasn't  always been something I was interested in. The reason I started writing is because I had a very hard up bringing and when I had a hard time I wrote down what was wrong. Then I realize the things that I went through I wasn't the only one going through them. A lot of people had the same hardships I was going through. I was about to talk about what I was going through with others. So I started to write down my feelings and wrote down what I was going through and I can say it actually made me feel better. I also tend to have these imaginations on how I want things to be or turn out, for example I would imagine how I want my life to turn out, the whole lay out , then just write about it. I guess I just fantasize a lot. But my fantasy's is what gets me going and stop thinking about the bad things I was going through.  As you read what I have published you might start to think is these stories about her ? And the answer is yes. Ho


Dear Diary I imagined this moment so many times but never expected it to happen without a father. A daughter needs a father to stand with her on the day she marries the man she hopes will be just like her father. Your wedding day is supposed to feel like a magical memory right?  White mermaid dress with sparkles, bridesmaids wearing light blue dresses and groomsmen wearing white suits and light blue bow ties. A beautiful outside view of a huge waterfall with thousands of flowers everywhere. Usually the fairy tale ends with the girl marrying her prince but my fairy tale is having my father walk me down the ale to marry a man who loves me just as much as he does. Well that’s my fantasy, it never got to come to light for me because my father past away before I was born. Never got the chance to even have a father, he was taken from me by gun violence. Both my parents were young and they both was excited to bring me into the world. They had so much support from their families. They imag


Dear Diary The memories I have from growing up are in a diverse community. I grew up in Alameda where there are many different types of races, big parks, great food and of course how can I forget the beach. As a child I always loved to play outside and ride bikes, and climb trees. Growing up I was carefree, I had no worries I was able to be a child and not have to worry about any responsibilities. That's a great thing right? Well when you watch movies you see the perfect lives  they live and you apply those things to your own life. Well as a child that's what I did. As time went by I thought my life was perfect, wrong. At the age of 12 I lost my grandmother and father in the same month. December 1, 2010 I lost my grandmother to her dying, then on December 2, 2010 I lost my father to him being incarcerated. Image a 12 year old going through that, losing two people who made her life whole. Having two parents who took care of you, then all of a sudden you have one, single mot